Directions: simply check off the appropriate word or words and fill in the appropriate blanks as needed.  Then submit this as a letter or read it as testimony at the hearing and/or submit it as your written testimony.

[  ] President ____________
[  ] Governor ____________
[  ] Secretary ____________
[  ] Commissioner _________
[  ] members of the committee
[  ] members of the board
[  ] Editor:

I’m (check all that apply)
[  ] writing
[  ] speaking
[  ] testifying
[  ] ranting/raving
[  ] all of the above

today on behalf of the
[  ] Arctic
[  ] tundra
[  ] wildlands
[  ] ecosystem
[  ] wilderness
[  ] boreal forest
[  ] nature reserve
[  ] other (please specify)_______________

This is a
[  ] unique
[  ] fragile
[  ] pristine
[  ] sacred
[  ] majestic
[  ] precious
[  ] untouched
[  ] magnificent
[  ] irreplaceable
[  ] untrammeled
[  ] all of the above

area that is used by
[  ] hikers
[  ] hunters
[  ] boaters
[  ] kayakers
[  ] backpackers
[  ] berry pickers
[  ] nature lovers
[  ] mountain bikers
[  ] all of the above

and will be
[  ] hurt
[  ] raped
[  ] ruined
[  ] pillaged
[  ] ravaged
[  ] damaged
[  ] plundered
[  ] destroyed
[  ] adversely impacted

by development.

[  ] oppose
[  ] am against
[  ] will do everything I can to stop

[  ] mine
[  ] road
[  ] FMA
[  ] harbor
[  ] landfill
[  ] railroad
[  ] sawmill
[  ] legislation
[  ] lease sale
[  ] timber sale
[  ] toxic waste dump
[  ] other (please specify)_______________

proposed for this area and urge

[  ] Governor______________
[  ] President______________
[  ] Secretary______________
[  ] Commissioner___________

[  ] Congress
[  ] Committee
[  ] Department

[  ] save
[  ] lock up
[  ] protect
[  ] set aside
[  ] preserve
[  ] conserve

[  ] virgin
[  ] unique
[  ] fragile
[  ] pristine
[  ] majestic
[  ] undefiled
[  ] untouched
[  ] magnificent
[  ] irreplaceable

[  ] park
[  ] tundra
[  ] ecosystem
[  ] wilderness
[  ] boreal forest
[  ] recreation area
[  ] other (please specify)_______________

from the
[  ] miners
[  ] developers
[  ] land rapers
[  ] speculators
[  ] oil companies
[  ] timber companies
[  ] corporate interests
[  ] other (please specify)_______________

Thank You

[Your Signature Here]

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