Text Box: Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear? - The answer to this question depends on you.  Are you a “warm” or cold person.? We recommend that you dress in layers so you can adjust your clothing as needed and stay away from cotton.  Many times people underestimate how cold they will get while dog sledding.  They not only get  the standing air temperature but a wind chill as well.  Visit our web log for more dress information.  At Sun Dog Express we say, “dress for warmth, not to impress. The dogs don’t care what you look like as long as you’re warm and you let them take you for a ride”. Colder that -20F you may be more comfortable opting for one of our short tours that limits your exposure to the elements.

How many people can ride on the sled? - In the winter we have a six foot sled capable of carrying two adults comfortably and up to 400 pounds.  In the fall we have a small wheeled sled that can handle 200 pounds and two children or one adult.  In the winter months we have a heated waiting area stocked with hot beverages for those waiting their turn.

Do I need a reservation? - We do our tours by reservation only seven days a week.  Reservations are important because we may not have time available on short notice.  A reservation also helps us to better plan the miles we ask the dogs to run in one day as well as the “load sizes” we ask the dogs to pull in one day.

Why are these dogs so small? - Many people come to our yard expecting “White Fang”.  They expect to see 120 pound malamute dogs lunging and snarling.  What they find are very friendly 30 to 70 pound, husky looking dogs with long skinny legs.  We run “Alaskan Huskies” that are basically a mutt.  Bred for their work ethic, health,  ability to withstand the cold, good feet and insatiable appetite.  They are eager and hard pullers but small enough to be able to run far and fast.  They love people.

Why can’t I take a long dog sled ride during the summer? - Fairbanks, Alaska has warm, snowless summers and sled dogs are arctic animals.  They are built to retain heat and are very efficient at doing so.  They are hard workers and will work hard in cold as well as hot weather when asked to do so.   BUT in warm weather the body heat they create from exertion has no where to go and builds up in their bodies thus making them easily prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Photo courtesy of Barbara Rizzo

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Frequently Asked Questions

Sun Dog Express Dog Sled Tours