From ........ UNHOLY TRINITY:

pg 70 Chapter 4

Ante Pavelic turned back to face the rising sun. Although the spring of 1945 was already some weeks old, the Slovene countryside was still cold and mist hung in the valleys and hollows. Despite the temperature, Pavelic wiped sweat from his brow.

The fleeing dictator was now on foot, having abandoned his car on the clogged roads and joined the throng of refugees marching wearily towards Austria. Pavelic reflected on the irony of his situation. A few days before he had been the Poglavnik of 'independent' Croatia, exercising comparable powers to the Fuhrer in Germany. He had even managed to keep the death machine operating almost until the end, while the Germans were frantically dismantling theirs. Then, without warning the Nazis had capitulated.

The Poglavnik was now just one of hundreds of thousands fleeing towards Austria to surrender to the British. Pavelic recalled with bitterness his previous flight into exile in 1929. Then he had been a young man and an underground life building his clandestine Ustashi terrorist network - had appealed to him.

His twelve years abroad had seemed worthwhile, for in April 1941 he had assumed power in his beloved Croatia, even if the Italian Fascists and German Nazis exercised real authority behind the scenes. The fugitive dictator had become used to power and wondered if he would ever taste it again. For Pavelic knew that if he fell into the wrong hands his future would be very short indeed. He hoped that his emissaries sent ahead into Austria had made the right contacts with British intelligence and the [Roman] Catholic Church. If they had failed, only death awaited him Pavelic quivered, almost like a startled rabbit; he was sure he could see a motorised partisan unit in the distance. He turned again towards the Austrian frontier and broke into a desperate jog .............

[end page 70]

UNHOLY TRINITY: The Vatican,The Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence

By John Loftus and Mark Aarons

Pub by St.Martins Press [1991]

Available from Barnes and Noble [1-800-242-6657]

ISBN0-312-07111-6 [hardcover] ISBN 0-312-09407-8 [paperback]

BTW- During and after WWII, Roman Catholic William ["Wild Bill"] Donovan headed the OSS [American forerunner of the CIA].

Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester, "the Vatican's highest award, for a lifetime of public and secret service to the [Roman] Catholic Church".

[from picture caption in Wild Bill Donovan- The Last Hero]

By Anthony Cave Brown. Times Books,


from pg 173 of American Democracy & the Vatican

by Stephen D. Mumford. Pub. by Humanist Press]

[Roman Catholic, "Knight of Malta" William Casey, who became head of CIA under Reagan, was one of Donovans OSS subordinates]

[Allen Dulles was another Donovan OSS subordinate who later headed the CIA. [Foster Dulles son is now a prominent Jesuit priest]

Roman Catholics Helms and Colby were also Donovan OSS subordinates who later headed the CIA.