"... The true horror of clergy abuse is that they are clergy. We see them as God's representatives ... and we, in faith and hope without fear, respect them, listen to and honor them, love them. And when they destroy that love and trust, we don't lose a dad, an uncle, a grandfather. We lose God, and we are destroyed. ..."


July 12, 96

pages 23-24


In reading several articles [NCR, May 24] related to the HBO special on the sexual abuses of Catholic priests, I am struck with the impression that both those who criticize and defend the clerical establishment in this matter fail to treat what to me is a central issue. Priests are not just another group of professionals like doctors, lawyers or teachers. They represent a religious organization that, at least in this country, has placed a huge emphasis in its day-to-day teaching about sexual behavior and morality.

Indeed, if one were to ask people in the street what it means to be Catholic, I would venture that after some references to the pope, most would recite, as defining, a list of absolutist condemnatory positions on sexual matters from contraception to abortion to premarital sex to masturbation and homosexuality. ........

If the church's clerics had been less fixated on sexual morality in their attempt to bring the message of the gospel to the people of God, maybe the church would be less identified, at least in popular culture, with bedroom issues, and the sexual malfeasance of its priests would not be as sensational a topic as it seems to be......


Having read [Philip] Jenkins' book [Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis], watched the HBO special and dealt with the bishops, I am not at all surprised that so many Catholics are outraged. .....

Jenkins, however, is not alone in his denial of this crisis. In spite of the losses of millions of dollars and some 800 clergy removed from ministry, the bishops also live in a world of denial. Some bishops believe that a policy on a piece of paper will cure the problem or if they just ignore it, the victims will go away....

As a result of their inactions, the bishops have created their own dilemma. No matter what they do, it will be perceived as a cover-up to the cover-up. The trust and credibility of the hierarchy and the priesthood has been damaged. ....

However, HBO was also remiss in its responsibilities. They had assured us that a phone number would run at the end of the documentary so victims could contact survivor groups. The phone number never appeared and HBO ignored our pleas....

TOM ECONOMUS Chicago Economus

is president of Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse Linkup, Inc.

... The true horror of clergy abuse is that they are clergy. We see them as God's representatives ... and we, in faith and hope without fear, respect them, listen to and honor them, love them. And when they destroy that love and trust, we don't lose a dad, an uncle, a grandfather. We lose God, and we are destroyed. .....

My child's best friend was abused by a priest of whom I knew only good and charitable deeds and an openness to a more inclusive church. I am grateful I do not have to judge him because as I write this my stomach churns and I want to scream. In my mind I know I must forgive and forget. In my heart and soul the struggle continues. What will I be able to do? What will we be able to do for perpetrator and victim.

R. HOSEK Addison, Ill.