Date: 5/23/96

BJ> You may be interested to know that the Pope during WWII and the Vatican were responsible for saving 500,000+ Jews from Nazi extermination. It's also come to light recently that the Pope was ....<

It's interesting how these always go off topic . . . oh well.

Given what you posted, how do you explain the recent apology by the current Pope for the Church's actions against the Jews during WWII?


Another example of the condoning of Nazism by Pope Pius XII is the deportation of Italian Jews from Rome in full view of the Vatican in October 1943. Internal Vatican memos dated from the middle of 1943 describe in detail how the population of European Jews went from over 4 million to a few hundred thousand. The knowledge of Nazi attrocities included eyewitness accounts from a Catholic priest smuggled into the Warsaw ghetto. 2000 of the deported Italian Jews were killed in Auschwitz.

And, to demonstrate his bigotry along with the anti-semitism; when the allies liberated Rome, Pope Pius XII specifically requested that black soldiers not participate in any Vatican City operation.

And there's more:

When Mussolini and his Fascists conquered Italy, promising to return the Pope his earthly kingdom, he blessed them. When Generalissimo Francisco Franco made war against the duly elected government of the Republic of Spain, the Pope blessed that war, and also blessed Mussolini's war in Ethiopia. And when Hitler came to power, the Vatican rapidly achieved a treaty with him that turned over large parts of the German school system to papal control; and the Concordat furthermore ordered that each Sunday, each Roman Catholic priests should bless the Nazi regime with his prayers from the altar of his church.

BJ> Additionally, it's well known now that Hitler was a Thulist pagan, who was well steeped in all sorts of occult mystery lodges, who were hip to Aryan mythology (this is where he got his whole "master race" bit.)<

Don't think so:

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." -- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf

Hitler certainly believed that he was a Christian:

-- John Toland (Pulitzer Prize winner), from "Adolf Hitler", pp 507, talking about the Autumn of 1941.

......... Jesus is coming. Look busy. Origin: TLR Systems, Inc. - Chattanooga TN. - (1:362/252)




Date: 5/29/96 10:47:02

=> Knowingly, you said something about "The Holocaust" to Ken Peck<=

SMB> If I recall correctly what Hitler said at various times, he planned on also persecuting the Catholic Church had he won WW SMB> II.<

Some documentation would be nice.

In a few years I fully expect Adolf Hitler to be made into a saint.

Adolph Hitler, in a speech delivered April 12, 1922 Published in "My New Order"

"The Fuhrer made it known to those entrusted with the Final Solution that the killings should be done as humanely as possible. This was in line with his conviction that he was observing God's injunction to cleanse the world of vermin. Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy ("I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so" [quoting Hitler]), he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of God -- so long as it was done impersonally, without cruelty."

-- John Toland (Pulitzer Prize winner), from "Adolf Hitler", pp 507, talking about the Autumn of 1941.

The "I am now as before a Catholic..." quotation from Hitler was recorded in the diary of Gerhard Engel, an SS Adjutant, in October 1941. Hitler was speaking in private, not before a mass audience, and so it is difficult to dismiss the comment as propaganda lies.

......... Paul has remained Saul after all; the persecutor of God. - Nietzsche Origin: TLR Systems, Inc. - Chattanooga TN. - v.34+ (1:362/252)

Subject: [1/2] THE HOLOCAUST

To: SEAN M. BROOKS From: FRANK HAY Date: 6/7/96 11:25:00

>>> Part 1 of 2...

FH> The "I am now as before a Catholic..." quotation from Hitler was recorded in the diary of Gerhard Engel, an SS Adjutant, in October 1941. Hitler was speaking in private, not before a mass audience, and so it is difficult to dismiss the comment as propaganda lies.<

SMB> Of course Hitler was a nominal Catholic. He never openly renounced the Church because it would have been politically inconvenient, even risky, in a mostly Catholic or Lutheran Germany. That doesn't mean he actually lived as a Christian should. Iow, he was simply behaving like many politicians do.<

His political wisdom lead him to continue to at least claim to be a [Roman] Catholic. This in itself shows the degree of guilt Chrstianity has concerning the Holocaust. Germany was a Christian nation under any definition. It was one of the centers of Christian belief, especially in the Protestant denomiations.

Look at one of the most distinguished German Protestant theologians-- Gerhard Kittel. Kittel and a group of twelve leading theologians and pastors issued a proclamation that Nazism is "a call of God," and they thanked God for Adolf Hitler. Kittel was a party member and he himself proudly claimed that he was a good Nazi. He explains that he did not join it as a result of pressure or for pragmatic reasons but because he concluded that the Nazi phenomenon was "a volkisch renewal movement on a Christian, moral foundation." He accorded Christianity a place of honor in Nazi Germany precisely because of its position on the Jewish Question. He said he was speaking for other theologians too when he maintained that agreement with state and Fuhrer was obedience to the law of God.

These theologians were drenched in anti-Semitism. For example, throughout the whole of the Nazi era, Kittel's writings correspond to and support Nazi politics, including all of the policies on the Jewish question, with the possible exception of genocide, but one is led to wonder. He never spoke out against extermination. Indeed, he actually propounded what was purported to be a theologically solid Christian justification for the oppression of the Jews, whom he referred to as "refuse."

Julian Streicher, chief Nazi ideologist of anti-Semitism and founder of Der Sturmer, the most notoriously vile anti-Semitic publication, recommended "the extermination of the people whose father is the Devil," recalling Jesus' attribution of such parentage to Jews.

SMB> was an offense of omission rather than commission. The Church, under the Pope's guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents and Vatican City itself. The record of the Allies was far<

Here's some more history:

The [Roman] Catholic church supported Nazi Germany almost without exception:

And, to demonstrate his bigotry along with the anti-semitism; when the allies liberated Rome, Pope Pius XII specifically requested that black soldiers not participate in any Vatican City operation.

_______________________________________________________________ "We must not minimize the extent of Christian collaboration with Hitler and his associates...and [we must] acknowledge guilt for the legacy of anti-Semitism and repudiate as sinful any remaining vestiges of that legacy in our contemporary teaching and practice..."

........ Paul has remained Saul after all; the persecutor of God. - Nietzsche Origin: TLR Systems, Inc. - Chattanooga TN. (1:362/252)