"The only truly Catholic stance in politics is to desire a Constitution for one's country which recognizes Our Lord Jesus Christ as King and the Roman Catholic Church as the one, true Church of Christ, and which submits the nation to the laws of Christ as promulgated by His Church."


Vol. v, No.1 First Quarter, 1995


Pages 69-70

No, our country is condemned to worshipping the masonic Liberty Goddess, and thereby to fall headlong into moral corruption and finally destruction. America - or any other country which worships the Liberty Goddess - can only avoid this destruction if it abandons the Cult of Liberty.

A Truly Catholic Politic

I do not mean to deter people from actively pursuing the suppression of abortion and the removal of other liberal influences in their lives. Nevertheless, I think that the Catholic should understand the political and moral principles which are at play in the American culture.

There is not a permanent peace of law and order to be hoped for, for as long as the cult of liberty dominates the mentality of the American people or the people of any other nation, for that matter. I do not think that American Catholic conservatives should hold up, as an ideal, the very system of the cult of liberty which gave us this dreadful problem, which gave us abortion, gay rights, sex education, pornography and the rest of it.

The only truly Catholic stance in politics is to desire a Constitution for one's country which recognizes Our Lord Jesus Christ as King and the Roman Catholic Church as the one, true Church of Christ, and which submits the nation to the laws of Christ as promulgated by His Church. As distant and impossible as this state of affairs may seem, it must nevertheless, by definition, be the Catholic's ideal - by definition, since a Catholic would not be a Catholic unless he desired such a state of affairs for his country.

Anything less than such a state of affairs is not an ideal, but a mere half a loaf, which, although better than none, still does not measure up. Most of all, Catholic politics should bitterly oppose any system of government which makes a cult of human liberty and places on a pedestal the indifference of the state toward religion. For such a system leads logically to exactly what we have today: moral anarchy.

Far from losing hope and energy, however, Catholics should strive as much as they can to hold the line of moral rectitude in local and national laws. Although logically the cult of liberty leads to moral anarchy, it is nevertheless true that people are not always consistent and logical. Strong pressure from Catholics and from others, who at least believe in the natural law, could effectively bring about significant changes in favor of good. My only concern is that the Catholic mind be not poisoned by protestant and masonic ideals concerning human liberty and the secularistic, non-religious state.

And while we are on the subject, I would like to take the opportunity to say a word of caution about a well-known national "conservative" radio talk-show host. While his comments about liberals are definitely amusing, what bothers me about him is that he has a dirty mind, and jokes about filthy matters in a most disgusting manner. He is divorced twice, and "married" three times, which is not my idea of a "conservative." What I also notice is that most of the moral issues for him are on the back burner, while the economic issues are the really hot topics. He represents, unfortunately, the state of many conservatives: people who are as morally bankrupt as liberals, but who simply want to keep the government out of their pursuit of money and success. He is also alarmingly "one-worldy" on many issues. My fear is that he is going to educate the conservative into being someone like himself: a liberty-cultist to the fingertips, morally trashed, and an egotist trying to keep government out of his way in this pursuit of happiness, consisting of money, prestige, and success.

[picture caption] - "Seal of the United States Army Note the liberty cap on top of sword"


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Editor - Father Donald Sanborn

2899 East Big Beaver Road, Suite 308

Troy, MI 48083-2400