The Antifascist Struggle in Yugoslavia:

The current situation in Yugoslavia

Yes, Yugoslavia is split up into different 'etnical zones' by the imperialist countries. Naming this page the 'Yugoslavian page', is to show that there was and is resistance against the split up. Countries like Germany and the USA support fascist groups, and raised nationalism to defend their interests.

The split up into different etnical zones, can only lead towards more war, hate and misery among the Yugoslavian people.

And the fascists are the true enemies of the people (along with their imperialist friends).

The people of Yugoslavia don't want war, but peace. Yet the Serbs are criminalised as 'the enemy' and the Moslims and Kroats are called 'the good'.

Aid goes almost completely to 'the good', while the suffering by the Serbian people's as big as the others.

Divide and rule has always been the tactics of the imperialists,... Yugoslavia is no exception.

* An article from The Guardian about the reburial of fascists in Kroatia.

* An excerpt from the memoirs of a former neo-nazi.

This shocking text reports about the neo-nazi's that went to Kroatia to fight so-called "communist Serbs".

Extracted from the Antifascist Info-Bulletin.

** Topic: Croatia and Nazism **

** Written 5:15 AM March 27, 1996

by peg:guardian in **

From: the guardian

Croatia and Nazism

(The following article was published in The Guardian, newspaper

of the Socialist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 27th, 1996.

Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry

Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia. Fax: 612 281 5795.

by Rob Gowland

Croatia's descent into open Nazism continues apace under the clerical-fascist government of President Franjo Tudjman.

The latter's latest effort involves a plan to disinter the bodies of former Ustashi in various parts of the country and rebury them at the Serbian and Jewish concentration camp memorial at Jasenovac.

The Washington Post said of Tudjman's outrageous scheme:

In Tudjman's twisted logic of course, the defeated Ustashi are "victims" of Tito's partisans, and the inclusion of the Croat Quisling troops among those buried at Jasenovac is being promoted as a step towards "national reconciliation".

The Serbian Orthodox Church in the Croation capital Zagreb has published an open letter to Tudjman posing the question:

The Church letter appeals to democratic opinion throughout the world to prevent such a desecration of the innocent Jasenovac victims.

The article from The Washington Post referred to above included a quote from a Western diplomat stationed in Zagreb who drew the obvious conclusion:

Tudjman recently warned Croatians that the opposition were "uniting their ranks" in order to overthrow his government. To do so, however, they will need to have a better grasp of the situation than the Democratic Croat General Alliance (DEHOS), a petty-bourgeois opposition group active among Croats living in Germany and Austria.

In an open letter in February, DEHOS labelled Tudjman's movement a "Fascist-Bolshevik concoction with Sicilian Mafia inclinations"! (An ambit claim, you might say.)

And in Prague.....

Not far away, in another country carved from a larger former socialist one, the Supreme State Prosecutor's office in the Czech Republic is investigating a cultural event in the town of Prostejov organised to celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). Complaints were made by right-wingers that the event violated the 1992 Anti-Communist Law, under which it is illegal to "propagate communism" or "foment class hatred".

Among those under investigation is the Czech actress Jirina Svorcova, who recited poems by Josef Kainar, Jiri Wolker and Jacques Prevert. Organised by the local district committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), the event also included the singing of Czech songs.

The government of the "playwright president" and darling of the Western media, Vaclav Havel, has scrubbed IWD from the Czech calendar, replacing it with the much more capitalist-friendly Mother's Day.

Since the advent of Havel's counter-revolutionary government, the number of women in the Czech parliament fell from over 30 per cent under socialism to less than ten per cent in 1992.

The percentage of women entering higher education has fallen to 44 per cent and there has been a big increase in the number of women working in the home.

The chairperson of the KSCM called the criminal proceedings against the organisers of the Prostejov IWD function "yet another violation of human rights in the Czech Republic".

He cited also the ending of the constitutionally guaranteed rights to a free education and free health care and the denial of employment to people on political grounds under the Lustration Act.

Despite the best efforts of the right-wing, however, the KSCM, according to "Postmark Praha", "has emerged from four rounds of national and local elections since 1989 as the second strongest party".




Memoirs of a Former NeoNazi



Chatto & Windus, London Copyright @) 1996 by Ingo Hasselbach Ingo Hasselbach has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. First published in Great Britain in 1996 by Chatto & Windus Limited Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA Random House Australia (Pty) Limited 20 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, Sydney New South Wales 2061, Australia Random House New Zealand Limited 18 Poland Road, Glenfield Auckland 10, New Zealand Random House South Africa (Pty) Limited PO Box 337, Bergvlei, South Africa Random House UK Limited Reg No. 954009

Fuhrer-Ex grew from:

Die Abrechnung: Ein Neonazi steigt aus by Ingo Hasselbach and Winfried Bonengel

published in Germany in 1993 by Aufbau-Verlag Gmb

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 7011 6536 7

Printed and bound in Great Britain by Mackays of Chatham PLC, Chatham, Kent

Pages 207-9:

IN THE SPRING of 1991, the civil war in Croatia began. The Movement saw it as the perfect chance to give those who wanted it real experience killing people. Moreover, there was a historical tie: during World War II Nazi Germany had played an active role in Yugoslav ethnic politics; the Nazis had supported a puppet dictatorship in Croatia, the Ustashe, that had built concentration camps in which mostly Serbs but also Jews were killed.

The current government in Croatia was reviving the tradition of the Ustashe and in many other ways honoring the former Fascists. Units of the Croatian Army were flying swastika flags, and many more were flying the old Croatian Fascist symbol. Croatia had become the first European government since World War II to openly embrace these symbols. Meanwhile, the Serbs were instituting policies of "ethnic cleansing" and racial warfare. It was a neo-Nazi dream come true.

All of the West German neo-Nazis saw it as a wonderful opportunity, but Nero Reisz, the barking anti-Semite from Hesse, was particularly pleased. The problem for him was that there weren't enough Jews being killed. But Serbs would do.

A system was set up whereby potential recruits for Croatia were first trained in paramilitary camps in Germany, then passed on to middlemen who were responsible for arranging their transport, clothing, and food on the way to the front.

The way it worked was first through a word-of-mouth network. We had to be careful about doing any advertising because hiring mercenaries was strictly illegal in the Federal Republic. It was simply known in the scene that you could go to Croatia, if fighting was your trip, and that in Berlin I was one of the contacts. The other main contact people in Berlin were Arnulf Priem and Oliver Schweigert. Once we'd checked out recruits to make sure they weren't spies, we took them to a paramilitary camp to get tested and trained. We were mainly interested in whether they were physically fit to go down there. Mental fitness didn't interest us much.

I knew one guy from the GDR who'd been loosely involved in the Movement for about a year and then went down to Croatia because it was a chance to kill Communists, i.e., the Serbs. He wasn't even much of a neo-Nazi, really. He simply hated the Stasi, who'd tortured him in jail, and was half crazy to get some revenge on anyone for his suffering. He had shoulder-length hair, like a hippie, and hardly any sense of purpose at all. He just wanted a chance to kill Communists, and he got it in Croatia. In a documentary some television team made at the front, he was interviewed and he talked about how many Serbs he'd killed and how much he'd learned about weapons. Less than a year later, he was killed himself.

But the more sane and careful ones came back after a few months or a year with valuable training in weapons and explosives. They'd of course also learned what it was like to kill people. (Many stayed down there, living in the hills, constantly involved in skirmishes no one ever heard about, and are only now coming back into Germany and Austria and forming the basis of the most militant and dangerous neo-Nazi cells.)

The effort to organize young German neo-Nazis and send them to Croatia to fight and kill for the Ustashe-as the SS had once done- was organized largely by the Movement representatives in Hesse, Bavaria, and-for logistical reasons, as it was directly on the border with Yugoslavia-Austria. The main man in charge in Germany was Nero Reisz. He organized transport and took care that everyone got uniforms and weapons. Then Michel Faci and his right-hand man, Nikolas, organized most of the Croatian neo-Nazi units, training both young Croatians and Germans who'd come down for the ride. Facist trained Croatians as young as ten years old to kill "Communists" while teaching them the basics of Nazism. With his childish antics, he is good at making murder seem like a game.

The neo-Nazis mostly fought independently from other units, as a legionnaire corps. But they received arms and ammunition, even tanks, from the Croatians. From what I heard from men who came back, they fought against Serbs but also against Bosnian Muslims, even though the Muslims had been in the SS during World War II. They simply fought against whomever they could get an excuse to kill. They kept track of how many Serbs they killed and tried to collect per-body pay from the Croatians, but they actually got hardly anything, apart from invaluable experience.

I NEVER WENT down there. Personally, I wouldn't have gone to Croatia for anything in the world. I saw no reason to risk my neck for another nation. I was only interested in the potential of getting battle-hardened recruits back from the front. The actual fight in Yugoslavia didn't interest me.

So I organized paramilitary camps and helped provide training 5 tested the recruits with the help of a few sympathetic people from the Bundeswehr. There was a lot of physical training-jogging, crawling, scaling. Recruits learned how to use firearms and how to dismantle, clean, and reassemble them. There was explosives training and practice in throwing grenades and using bazookas. We modeled our course on Bundeswehr training exercises and what we could piece together about the old Waffen SS training with the help of training manuals and the memories of our retired SS supporters. But the basic source for our training was the West German Federal Army.