Management & Consulting

W.E. (Bill) Northrup, 52 years old, has transportation experience in the Interior since 1974, from Wien Air Alaska to Mark Air. Developed and taught FAA-Certified Hazardous Material Handling Course to Air Carriers and Shippers in the early Eighties while also developing a trans-modal terminal for the Arctic customers at the Fairbanks International Airport, as Alaska Cargo Services.

From the middle Eighties until 1997, I worked various Taxi Companies as a Dispatcher, Driver, or Manager. During that time I was continually improving the system on Fleet Management Record-Keeping. Developed billing system for Taxi companies that actually interfaces with the State payment system. Worked with the University of Alaska team that developed the unique software for Taxi Fleet Management.

I have spent the past five years learning the "practical" application of computer systems as they apply to Small Business. Having operated several Small Businesses, I have already found what works and doesn't, and what is needed to improve the record-keeping operation.

I have been developing an ever-increasing data-base of various vendors and suppliers of transportation, lodging, and associated services. Since I live in the interior all year, I can track what is working and available all the time.